Kuhinja - The Kitchen
Aleksandar Zograf on the Kuhinja Project
Ever since the early 1990s, while living in
a country that was facing crises of diverse kinds, many artists
in Serbia have found their level in creating art that was cheap
to produce and/or distribute. It resulted in the formation of an
independent scene that was rather unpretentious, freewheeling and
based on DIY principles. Homemade movies were shown in free access
venues, independent music was played on improvisational podiums,
fanzines and small magazines were starting and stopping publishing.
In an environment where both economics and mainstream culture were
devastated, it was perhaps a natural instinct to search for alternatives.
One of the most vital scenes was concentrated
around the production of alternative comics. Among the projects
in this field was a comics workshop called The Kitchen (Kuhinja),
initiated by Aleksandar Zograf, in 1998. In order to prove that
an initiative could function even if it is not relaying on any official
institution, Zograf gathered a group of cartoonists that were meeting
every Saturday in the space of his own kitchen. That is how Zograf's
dining place, on the 5th floor of a tower in the suburbs of Pancevo
(a town across the Danube from Belgrade), became a forum where lectures
were held, and comics were discussed and drawn. "Kitchen" was formed
by a diverse and ever-changing group of people - some of them with
experience of creating and publishing comics, while some were just
The group stopped their weekly meetings when
the NATO bombing started, in 1999, but they continued to publish
a Kitchen fanzine, organize exhibitions, film projections, concerts
and other activities. The artistic aspect of the group was based
on the premise that comics are a democratic medium, accessible and
easily created by almost anyone. Another aspect was social - the
group was trying to motivate people willing to express themselves
(some amateurs, some professional artists), by encouraging them
to exchange their art and their views with others. It was the way
of CREATING a scene for yourself, rather then expecting somebody
to produce and pack it for you. Kitchen is defined by its personalities:
Zoran Jovic, who is signing his comics with the pseudonym Flyer
(Letac, in Serbian), lives in the tiny village of Banatsko Novo
Selo. He is active as a musician, best known as the drummer of the
legendary psychodelic-punk band NUP, and publisher of numerous self-produced
comics. In one of his booklets, Flyer was describing his experiences
during the NATO bombing, when he was drafted, and sent to the rather
pathetic mission of protecting his native village from the mighty
NATO stealth bombers.
Livius Pavlov aka Mr Spiral is another ex-member of the band called
NUP, recently working as a salesman in a shoe store in Pancevo.
For the Pancevo Comics Festival, called GRRR!, Mr Spiral was transforming
the shoe store where he works into a gallery. Along with Mr Spiral's
own works, an international selection of cartoonists was exhibiting
their works inspired by shoes in the tiny space of the shop, amidst
all the shoes which were on regular sale.
Gordana Basta is the author of some of the scripts of Aleksandar
Zograf's comics, and his wife. She is creating embroidery based
on Zograf's drawings, as an attempt to transpose cartoons into the
warm and cozy textile background, later for use in the everyday
environment as curtains, tablecloths, etc. All the idlework is done
by hand.
Vuk Palibrk joined the Kitchen group at its beginning, when he was
only 11 years old. Despite the fact that he is still a teenager,
he is already a well-known name in the Serbian comics scene. Beside
of publishing his comics in many of the magazines and fanzines at
home and abroad, Vuk Palibrk is also creating animations and short
Other interesting characters who are involved
with The Kitchen are Bozidar Golubovic - Krle, a self-taught cartoonist
who works at a glass factory, Nandor Ljubanovic aka Kiklop, a taxi-driver
and author of interesting collages, Vladimir Nedeljkovic - Nedelja
- leader of a pop band and cartoonist, inspired by pop culture,
and many others.