start   + > home/s-(s)trip < +
                                                      NUOC MAM dirndln/buam///

    take part in home/s-(s)trip
    a visiting trip/series to foreign + domestic fellow-citizens in Graz 
    for one or several days/evenings half-public/private places/localities 
    including their residents of different milieus are in demand: 

    the home-stations
    flats, houses, cottages, hostels, rooms, temples, cellars+lofts, shops, 
    and their residents
    singles, sporadics, multiplieds, families, communes, hostel-communities, 
    life-communities of all kinds, religious communities, sport-, play-, 
    culture communities/groups, communities of interest, ethnic communities,  
    communities of fate

    small and big groups  young and old fellows  real or faked groups

    the home staitions are hosts for this day/evening, who present/communicate 
    themselves, their culture, their identities, their being-there; such as
    cooking - eating - drinking    make music - dance - home-disco
    reading - theater - dranma  dia-video-performance - discussion
    sociable games - card games sport - artisistics - art-exhibitions

    the guests  are invited by personal notice/invitation, flyer, 
    advertisement etc
    the guests bring presents and similar, introduce themselves to the hosts, 
    they take part

    before the visisting trip starts, we want to collect - like in a 
    "poetry album" - subject to home/s-identities in Graz
    personal portraits  photos  texts  reports of experiences  picutres
    [pseudo]scientfic papers   legal situations   sounds
    this "poetry album" is published internal in the form of a booklet and 
    other possible forms

    are you interested to participate in home/s-(s)trip ?

    as  a home station   as part of a home station   as a host   as a guest
    as an actor/performer  as a (pseudo)scientist


    NUOC MAM verein f. interkulturellen transfer   .... in graz -> anita hofer
    ..................... schaeffergasse 10 - 12   ............. marienplatz 4
    ................................ A-1040 wien   ...................... graz
    ............................. austria/europe   ............ austria/europe
    ............. tel. casper ++43 +699 19430185   tel. nita ++43 +664 2132693

    further informations
    - for your contributions such as gastronomy,cultural performances, reports 
    etc. you will receive a remuneration subject to an agreement
    - technical infrastructure can be made available
    - your contributions can be made in your native language, as spokesman are 
    at your disposal
    - if necessary localities can be made available to you 

    beweggruende    revue    in vorbereitung    die bewegten    dirndln/buam +
 -> e-post
    start   + > home/s-(s)trip < +