Da du dies hier liest, hast du die Seite gefunen!
Erstaunlicherweise gibt es drei Möglichkeiten um hierherzugelangen.
Wenn du auf einen der folgenden Links klickst, kommst du immer hierher
Alles drei sind Links in HTML oder auch als URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) bekannt. Die NOC Leute haben mir gesagt,
dass der Web Server so konfiguriert ist, dass auch die alten URLs (die
ersten beiden in obiger Liste) an den richtigen Ort führen. Ich
ziehe die letzte Variante vor, weil sie leicht zu merken ist und diesen
Index - der übrignes ein wenig Design
vertragen könnte - hat.
::John Doe::deutsch::english::
Links and URLs
Since you read this, you found it! Amazingly there are three ways
to get here. If you click on any of the following three links you will
always get back to this page here.
All of the above are links in HTML and also known as URLs
(Uniform Resource Locators). The NOC people told me
that the web server is configured so that the old URLs (the first two in
the list) will lead to the correct location. I prefer the last one
because it's easy to remember and it has this index (that could use some design, but
it works). The cool things is also that doe is not my username
here at mur.at! So unlike the formerly used ~username links to reach
peoples homepages this one does not reveal my username to the public and
keeps my fairly untouched by SPAM.
Location of data
As you might have guessed, all the files you can see here reside on
hornet.mur.at in the /home/users/doe/ folder. I use
different methods to update my homepage, depending from where I work.
Using FTP
Quite rarely I use FTP (File Transfer
Protocol) to update files here (mainly when I am at work
where our firewall blocks SSH/SCP!). My settings for FTP go like this:
Host / IP / URL / Server: ftp.mur.at
remote start folder: /users/doe/
username: johndoe
password: SECRET
Using FTPS
I do not like to use FTP anymore since someone told me that
my password can easily be sniffed when my program sends it to
hornet.mur.at. Therefor I started using FTPS (FTP
Secure) whenever I can. Everything works as in FTP except that
all the data is transfered encrypted. Even my username and password! So
no more sniffing. The settings are the same as for FTP above by the way.
Another cool service to use that also works with encryption is SCP
(SecureCoPy), also known as SFTP
(SecureFTP. There is only one difference compared to
remote start folder: /home/users/doe/
It has something to do with different software answering FTP or SCP
requests on hornet.mur.at, but honestly, I don't realy care about the
Using SSH
Usually I edit files on my homepage by loging into hornet.mur.at using
SSH and then editing the files right there. See my Login page for details, tips and tricks.
::John Doe::deutsch::english::