andrew perkler: station to station (~scape)

We are in Berlin again. At Stean Betke's place and his label ~scape which is constituent of the sound at the beginning of millennium. Sound inspired from classic dub brought to unrecognisable level in contemporary production fusioned with contemporary electronic tendencies. Andrew Pekler has that intention but with jazz sound. Jazz sound with sophisticated electronic downtempo rhythm. Sophistication goes so far that electronic rhythm samples gives impression of organic combination where live instruments are inserting. Mellow feeling is dominating, while the titular track includes certain dose of intensiveness and thrill. Whole precise relation of melodies, jazz parts, crackling electronic, sophisticated rhythm and warm basslines are determinating dominant relaxing atmosphere that makes station to station release for repetitive consummation in most critical moments of mind displacement. From other side because all this advantages of station to station Andrew Pekler takes position of most interesting producer for this year, with one of most intriguing albums.