harpages – simple visions (autres direction in music)

this piece of music is originally written after being ordered from marc lavigne, the man who organizes “recontres audiovisuelles”, a festival in lille- france. therefore it is a theme made to be emitted during the projections of a short minimal film by arnaud boulogne made in “aeronef” in lille during the festival on the 21st of march 2003. it’s creating started even before the making of the film, only after he heard the music he started thinking about the images he would use in the film to fit with the music. maybe this means that ‘simple visions’ is not a classical soundtrack for this film but a musical piece that is in someway it’s predecessor. meaning it’s a matter of reverse process, which as a concept is quite interesting. in this context antonie and julien in this thirty minute lasting ambiental visual experience create ambiental soundscape that changes the definition of sound that made autres directions a recognizable label. here everything is in the context of the experiment, ambient and atmosphere. long ambiental layers that slowly develop partly including new sounds, acoustics, drones and soft beats... to finally transform into a minimal glitch, and at the very end into repetitive noise. all in all this piece is a relaxing long soundscape that slowly evolves within itself, capturing different images and displaying different indications. the very ability to indicate only emphasizes its intention. not only that it could be used as a sound motivation for a video creation, but on the other hand it could be used in a reverse situation. simply as a soundtrack.