

The CITISM project was developed as part of the curatorial workshop, conducted by Basak Senova, resident curator in the Visiting Curatorial Initiative program of press to exit project space, June 2005. In due course, CITISM has been realized through the New Project Productions program of press to exit project space with the curatorial advisory of Basak Senova. This program supports local curators and artists in developing their own projects by providing opportunities for their artistic and curatorial practices in Macedonia.

CITISM, curated by Elena Veljanovska, Hristijan Panev and Boris Petrovski, is an attempt to detect the unique characteristics of Skopje by defining the codes of the urban language. The artists of the project process their researches through different forms of expression by using and analyzing graphical languages, projecting spatial interventions, and processing sound. Each and every form operates to capture unique segments of city life. Neda Firfova's graphical works are located in the gallery space whilst Boris Petrovski applies an outdoor installation in front of the gallery, and Antonio Dimitrov merges indoor and outdoor inputs with his sound installation.

The project itself synthesizes various forms of expression in the urban context by striving to capture the instant and multilateral ambience of the city.

Part one:
Skopje, 17-24. 02. 2006
press to exit project space

Part two:
Belgrade, 1
5-24. 03. 2006
kontekst galerija

Part three:
Sofia, 21-28. 05. 2006
mobile studios
