Radio's Trips$ReiseRadio

Radios's Trips$ReiseRadio is a German/Suisse/Austrian cooperation. The initial point dates back two years when after a four hours broadcast for the Rivers & Bridges project from Hamburg's free radio station FSK we were talking relaxed about the restricted range and the regionality of usual fm-radio and about the insights won by traveling while listening to different radio stations. The idea was born to have a summer trip, a radio vacation and to visit several stations to hear and compare their different radiophonic languages and to make own casts out of them. A bunch of problems made it impossible to realize the project in 97; so we do it this year.
The project is an open one in three ways: The whole trip will be made by us four but friends, composers, artists are invited to join us for a few stations. At the stations themselves the broadcasts will be prepared and done in cooperation with the people from the local radios. Finally for combined web/broadcasts participation may be possible via web.
For further information see

and for any questions mail to ReiseRadio

During the trip you can also call ++41-79-335 07 64

If you're interested in literature concerning the history and politics of commercial, state, free and pirate radio check here; for kurze Welle - lange Leitung, a newly published book on the theoretical discussions in german and suisse free radios click here.

last revision: 28.07.98